March 26 AGM Casablanca Winery Inn

The Grimsby & District Chamber of Commerce’s 2019 AGM was held on Tuesday, March 26, at The Casablanca Hotel. All Grimsby Chamber members were eligible to attend, and to vote on the 2019 slate of Directors.

It has been an eventful past year for the Chamber – a glass of wine and some light refreshments were certainly in order, to celebrate our successful 2018 events, and look forward to an equally productive and eventful 2019!

Chamber President Geoff Willis gave a brief overview of the 2018 networking events, and introduced some new-in-2018 members who were in attendance. He also paid homage to retired Executive Director Jinny Day, and introduced new Executive Director Rebecca Shelley. Treasurer Cathy Bliss presented a financial report.

The Grimsby Chamber is very excited to be working on building municipal and regional partnerships, locally with the DIA, GEDAC, and Happening In Grimsby teams, and regionally through participation in Niagara Chamber Partnership initiatives. Our priorities for 2019 are as follows:

  • working with chamber member DJB to review and revise financial processes, to ensure we have robust and appropriate practices in place
  • working closely with Affinity Partners to develop stronger relationships, which will, in turn, increase access to our member benefit programs
  • rolling out a Lunch ‘n’ Learn series, designed to bring timely and relevant information to our members
  • hiring a part-time employee to work on communications, events, and social media
  • conductive an extensive review of our Chamber’s by-laws, engaging input from outside resources like the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Corporations Canada, to ensure the revised by-laws we present at next year’s AGM are in keeping with the Board of Trade Act

Deputy Mayor Dave Kadwell swore in the new Board of Directors – click HERE to meet them.

We were extremely pleased to have Trevor McPherson from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce spoke about some of the challenges facing businesses in Ontario, and the work that the OCC is doing on our behalf.

A very special thanks goes out to Bryan Macaulay from Village Studio, for capturing the serious and not-so-serious moments from the evening. Heartfelt thanks, too, to our board member from Simply Moto for putting together the slide show for the evening.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the evening – we look forward to continuing to engage with you and your business throughout 2019!


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