Nov 19 Lunch & Learn at Urban Cravings with Breathe Bliss

Thank you for joining us at the final Lunch & Learn of 2019! We started with a brief meditation and a healthy and delicious meal from Urban Cravings, and then went through an excellent presentation on recognizing stress in ourselves and our employees, the dangerous effects that stress has on our body, mind, and productivity, as well as tips for reducing stress and incorporating wellness in its many forms into our workday and work space. We ended the session with seated yoga and stretching, and an excellent discussion on the take-away actions for each person.

In our busy work and personal lives, it’s easy to put our wellness last on the list…Diana from Breathe Bliss gave us some excellent ideas on how to easily make some small changes that can result in a happier, healthier work environment. Thank you, Diana! Don’t forget to visit our Facebook Page for more photos!

If you want to incorporate wellness in your workplace, reach out to Diana – she can customize a workshop or plan for you!

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