One donation can make a huge difference


One donation can make a huge difference, so imagine what three perpetual funds can do for the Niagara community. Jim Garrett, his family, and Garrett Group Ltd. are growing endowment funds with Niagara Community Foundation dedicated to Red Roof Retreat, Youth Unlimited St. Catharines, and Big Brothers, Big Sisters Niagara. The interest built by these funds will provide grants that will help uplift at-risk youth, vulnerable families, and children with special needs, in perpetuity.

“The way I see it, money is a tool,” says Garrett, “and we should use it to build something beautiful.”

Garrett is an advisor for Chambers Plan group benefits, and Johnston Group is proud to match his generous donation. The Advisor Charitable Match Program is an initiative of Johnston Group (administrators of Chambers Plan), which has dedicated $100,000 in 2024 to matching Chambers Plan advisors’ contributions to wonderful local charities. All submissions are made by a Chambers Plan advisor. Click here to learn more about the impact our advisors have on their communities.

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