Timing and Lack of Consultation on Minimum Wage Hike Disruptive to Business

On Sunday, October 1, Ontario’s minimum wage increased from $15.50 to $16.55 per hour. This is a scheduled increase that takes place every October. The Grimsby & District Chamber of Commerce alongside The Ontario Chamber of Commerce is supportive of scheduled increases so that businesses have time to plan. What businesses value most, is predictability. When the increases have been unscheduled, without consultation, we have come out against it as you can see in this statement here provided by the OCC.

Position of the OCC that we also stand behind:  

  • We are in favour of fair compensation and wage increases that are planned and done in consultation with the business community so that businesses have time to plan and implement the changes.
  • We recognize that workers have been impacted by higher cost of living, affordability challenges and the competition for attracting and retaining talent.
  • According to recent data from Statistics Canada, people are leaving Ontario in record numbers due to affordability issues.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us and we will connect with the right resources. We are here to support you and your business endeavours in all its aspects.

“Many businesses are still grappling with the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, including cashflow constraints and the increased cost of doing business; this is no time to add to their costs. The way the proposed changes are being implemented, leaving employers with less than two months to plan, will have considerable administrative and financial impact amidst a pandemic and after 20 months of duress.” Read more here.

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