February 13 Lunch & Learn at McNally House Hospice

We were extremely pleased to join our hosts McNally House Hospice for a Grief in the Workplace Lunch & Learn on February 13. Bereavement Support Clinician Jennifer Jowlabar took us through the many aspects of supporting coworkers and employees who are experiencing grief, with an in-depth, informative, and very interactive session.

Why is it important for businesses to acknowledge and act on Grief in the Workplace?

Not only does having comprehensive policies and procedures around grief and bereavement address a key aspect of workplace wellness and create a positive, inclusive, supportive work environment, but also makes good business sense. Properly supporting employees and coworkers who are experiencing a loss, results in more productivity, fewer unpredictable results, and less disruption to service and clients. Let’s face it, loss and grief are a fact of life – everyone will experience grief at some point.

Did you know? McNally House Hospice provides grief workshops specifically for businesses, and can connect you and your employees with a number of resources in the community. Contact Amanda or Jennifer today for more information!

Thank you to 50 Point Market for the delicious lunch spread!

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